Brew is in 2015 having it's 15th anniversary as a collective trio. Performances of this group are few and far between. The last occured in 2012 at the Guelph International Jazz Festival:
"Judging from the enthusiastic response of the audience who packed the hall it seems Brew has some adoring fans. And so they should, these musicians play from the heart, they breathed fire into the music. Subtle textures of string sections and start-stop rhythms, counterpoint melodies and a blending and diverging of musical voices as all three musicians blur the lines of structure and form to ultimately come together harmoniously providing for a sonic performance of exquisite proportions."
19e Guelph Jazz Festival (2012) Paul J. Youngman – September 2012
above is a picture and below is a video clip from the performance at the 2012 Guelph International Jazz Festival:
Brew - below are some excerpts from an unreleased CD "Heat" recorded in 2005...
Excerpts from "Heat" Brew w/Miya Masaoka, Reggie Worknam & Gerry Hemingway (unreleased)
1. Keffi's Journey Pt. 2 (Masaoka, Workman, Hemingway) 2:24
2. Keffi's Journey Pt. 1 (Masaoka, Workman, Hemingway) 1:40
3. Glyph in Rainfall (Masaoka, Workman, Hemingway) 2:48
Yes its "a new" combination of players, unique to this special event. However the selection of this grouping has a back story in exploring my long individual relationship with all three of these players. To illustrate that history I offer below some samples of music with Mark Helias and Ned Rothenberg that date back to the early 1980s when we sometimes performed in duo. Ned and I have had numerous meetings over the years, many of which have gone undocumented, what is offered here is a published work from the Lumina album "Portal" called "Polyesemy". The duo with Mark Helias comes from a duo performance of me and Mark from 1982, its a composition of Mark's called Study #11, unpublished, and taken here from a cassette of a performance at a long gone venue "Inroads" which used to be in Soho.
Michael Winsch and Gerry Hemingway from new WHO trio Double CD "WHO Zoo" (listen here)
Polysemy (Exc) - Ned Rothenberg & Gerry Hemingway from 1983 album "Portal" (listen here)
Duet # 11 (by Mark Helias) Mark Helias & Gerry Hemingway - rare duo performance from archive from May 6, 1982, Live at Inroads, NYC (listen here)