Drum Technique Fundamentals

The Grip/Finger Exercise/Thumb Position
Finger Exercise Front View

basic grip, top view, starting position for finger exercise

Finger Exercise Top View

basic grip, front view, note how the thumb is directly on top of first knuckle of the index finger . This is also the starting positition for the finger exercise.

basic grip side view

Side view of thumb position, good starting point to be sure stick is in close relation to hand and "helper or guide" fingers (middle, ring & pinkie finger). This is also a good starting point to be sure of your alignment for finger stroking (as opposed to wrist stroking).

gravity position

Grip in "Gravity Position" for Finger Exercise. This allows you to experience movement of forefinger where the weight of the stick helps to demonstrate the proper movement of the fingers. The finger exercise stresses that the thumb is stationary and the forefinger moves the stick.

Wrist Position - Basic Grip - Playing position

bottom view wrist positionWrist Position Grip, Bottom View.
Note how helper fingers lay on top of the stick. The end of the stick is positioned between the two pads of the bottom of the hand. The stick is in straight alignment with the arm. The grip is consistent with the thumb position - thumb on top of first knuckle of index finger.

pad position

Matched Grip - stick position, height and angles to playing surface

wrist snap position
Wrist Snap - Stick up position. Note relaxed upright and aligned posture.